Notice of Cybersecurity Incident

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Monday, September 6, 2021

Labor Day Hol­i­day Closure

In obser­vance of Labor Day, Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s offices will be closed on Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 6th. We will reopen on Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 7th with reg­u­lar hours.

The Drop-In Cen­ter will hold activ­i­ties on Labor Day. Check out their Labor Day BBQ here! You can also view the Drop-In Cen­ter’s cal­en­dar and announce­ments for Sep­tem­ber. Our Com­mu­ni­ty Liv­ing and cri­sis teams will con­tin­ue serv­ing the community.

Please plan accord­ing­ly to these sched­ule updates. If you have any ques­tions, please call us at 8475248800.

Have a safe and hap­py Labor Day!

You're Not Alone

of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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