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Pos­i­tive Orga­ni­za­tion­al Culture

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At KYC, we take pride in our orga­ni­za­tion­al cul­ture and cul­ti­vat­ing a pos­i­tive work­place envi­ron­ment for all team mem­bers and clients, inclu­sive of all peo­ple. We believe diver­si­ty and cul­tur­al com­pe­ten­cy bring strengths to the pro­grams and com­mu­ni­ties we serve and enhances our abil­i­ty to pro­vide com­pas­sion­ate care.

Employ­ees of Ken­neth Young Cen­ter enjoy the following:

For a link to machine read­able files of in-net­work provider rates and out-of-net­work allowed amounts and billed charges for cov­ered items and ser­vices under our employ­ee med­ical pro­gram, please click here.

What We Do

Ken­neth Young Cen­ter (KYC) offers a wide range of excit­ing career oppor­tu­ni­ties that sup­port the vibran­cy and vital­i­ty of our com­mu­ni­ty. Cen­tral to KYC’s mis­sion is the eth­i­cal oblig­a­tion we have as a soci­ety to serve all with care and respect while pro­vid­ing high qual­i­ty treat­ment. Our team works col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly toward achiev­ing this goal togeth­er by help­ing peo­ple to feel good, do bet­ter, and find solu­tions through indi­vid­u­al­ized behav­ioral health and sup­port­ive social services.

Who We Are

KYC reflects the diver­si­ty of the com­mu­ni­ties we serve. Employ­ees are gen­er­ous in spir­it and work to treat the spe­cif­ic needs of each client in a holis­tic and empa­thet­ic man­ner. As a team, we believe strong­ly in the val­ue and impact of the work that we do. We also care about the well-being of one anoth­er and want what is best for each employ­ee. Togeth­er our staff is build­ing a warm and wel­com­ing orga­ni­za­tion­al cul­ture that cel­e­brates our unique per­spec­tives and urges all to par­tic­i­pate and pro­vide feed­back to ensure con­tin­u­ous improvement.

Ken­neth Young Cen­ter is an Equal Oppor­tu­ni­ty Employer.

Team Mem­ber Spotlights

Learn from a few of our team mem­bers how their exper­tise, expe­ri­ence, and com­mit­ment to care make mean­ing­ful impacts through KYC.

Meet Edwin

Edwin Ron­dan is an Assess­ment Ther­a­pist with Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s Child and Ado­les­cent Team. Edwin pro­vides bilin­gual ser­vices which allows his clients to feel com­fort­able express­ing emo­tions in their native lan­guage. Hear from Edwin about his role at KYC and how he walks with the peo­ple he serves to con­nect them with per­son­al­ized wrap­around care.

Click here to learn about his story.

Meet Jes­si­ca

Jes­si­ca Finnegan began her career at KYC as an intern and over the last decade, has grown and advanced to lead mul­ti­ple teams with­in the Old­er Adults Divi­sion. Her pas­sion, com­pas­sion, and care made her a 2023 Team­mate of the Year and an extra­or­di­nary exam­ple of KYC’s staff.

Click here to hear her sto­ry and learn more about our Old­er Adult Programs.

Meet Daryl

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Daryl Pass, KYC Recov­ery Sup­port Ser­vices Man­ag­er, shares how his expe­ri­ence has dri­ven him to a career of help­ing others.

Recov­ery is about trans­for­ma­tive think­ing and behav­ioral change. Nine years ago, I did­n’t have that under­stand­ing as I was bare­ly hold­ing on to life and was immersed in sub­stances and addic­tive behavior.”

Read about Daryl’s jour­ney in recov­ery and the invalu­able per­spec­tive he brings to sup­port­ing com­mu­ni­ty members.

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You're Not Alone

of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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