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Sub­stance Use Recovery

The road to recov­ery from sub­stance use dis­or­der is dif­fer­ent for every per­son. Work­ing with both youth and adults, KYC offers both clin­i­cal behav­ioral health ser­vices and non-clin­i­cal sup­port groups to pro­vide indi­vid­u­al­ized care to each per­son. Clients can par­tic­i­pate in both pro­grams or whichev­er fits their recov­ery goals and needs.

To sched­ule a sub­stance use assess­ment or to get more information

Please call 8475248800 ext. 136 or email our team. Please leave us a voice­mail mes­sage and a mem­ber of KYC’s staff will return your call as quick­ly as possible. 

For non-clin­i­cal sup­port services

SMART Recov­ery, Recov­ery Coach­ing and Inter­ven­tion, please con­tact our recov­ery resource depart­ment at 2242297456 or email us at recoveryresources@​kennethyoung.​org.

If this is an emer­gency, please call 911

Clin­i­cal Sub­stance Use Pre­ven­tion and Recov­ery (SUPR)

SUPR ser­vices pro­vide clin­i­cal treat­ment inter­ven­tions to peo­ple strug­gling with a wide range of sub­stance use prob­lems and dis­or­ders. Clients are treat­ed using Mind­full­ness-Based Sobri­ety, a com­pre­hen­sive treat­ment mod­el that inte­grates evi­dence-based con­cepts and incor­po­rates sev­er­al ther­a­peu­tic tech­niques to address sub­stance use behaviors.

Ser­vices may include indi­vid­ual, group, and/​or fam­i­ly ther­a­py. Clin­i­cians will pro­vide coor­di­nat­ed care with the clien­t’s per­son­al, med­ical, and com­mu­ni­ty sup­port con­tacts as needed.

Out­pa­tient Pro­grams (OP) and Inten­sive Out­pa­tient Pro­grams (IOP) are avail­able for youth and adults. IOP groups meet three times per week, and indi­vid­ual and fam­i­ly ses­sions are sched­uled by appoint­ment. IOP clients should pre­pare for a treat­ment com­mit­ment of around ten hours per week, with a decreased time com­mit­ment as progress is made.

Ado­les­cent SUPR Ser­vices, ages 12 – 18 (until high school graduation)

Ado­les­cents and their fam­i­lies receive edu­ca­tion on the brain chem­istry and pro­gres­sion of addic­tion, stages of change, and the spe­cif­ic effects sub­stance use has on emo­tions, thoughts, and behav­iors as the mind and body are devel­op­ing. Mul­ti­fac­eted treat­ment approach­es focus on the unique cog­ni­tive and devel­op­men­tal changes that occur dur­ing ado­les­cence. Ser­vices include indi­vid­ual and group ther­a­py, where ado­les­cents explore top­ics of peer pres­sure and oth­er out­side influ­ences in their lives that may expose them to sub­stances. Clin­i­cians will pro­vide coor­di­nat­ed care with a client’s school sup­ports, indi­vid­ual ther­a­pist, psy­chi­a­trist, and nurse prac­ti­tion­er as needed.

Adult SUPR Services

Ser­vices include case man­age­ment, indi­vid­ual, group, and fam­i­ly ther­a­py. Top­ics cov­ered include under­stand­ing addic­tion as a dis­ease, relapse pre­ven­tion, improv­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion and build­ing healthy rela­tion­ships, improv­ing self-image, build­ing cop­ing skills, estab­lish­ing healthy rou­tines, and con­nect­ing with local sup­port communities.

Sup­port Groups

SMART Recov­ery

SMART Recov­ery stands for Self-Man­age­ment and Recov­ery Train­ing, which is a peer-led, mutu­al sup­port group for peo­ple who strug­gle with sub­stances and addic­tive behav­iors. In SMART Recov­ery, we learn tools and tech­niques root­ed in Cog­ni­tive Behav­ioral Ther­a­py, Ratio­nal Emo­tive Behav­ioral Ther­a­py, Harm Reduc­tion, and Moti­va­tion­al Inter­view­ing to help empow­er indi­vid­u­als to man­age their own recov­ery jour­neys. We do this by focus­ing on 4 main points: Build­ing and Main­tain­ing Moti­va­tion, Cop­ing with Urges, Man­ag­ing Thoughts, Feel­ings, and Behav­iors, and Liv­ing a Bal­anced Life.

  • Adults (ages 18 and over) Wednes­days 6:00p‑7:00p Join Now and Sat­ur­days from 10:00 – 11:30a Join Now
  • Adult Men’s (ages 18 and over) Thurs­days 6:00p‑7:00p Join Now
  • Restora­tive SMART_​Youth (ages 17 and under) Tues­days from 4:30p – 5:30p Reg­is­ter Now
  • LGBTQ+ Adults (ages 18 and over) Sun­days from 6:007:15p Join Now
  • Friends and Fam­i­ly (all ages) Mon­days 6:00p‑7:00p Join Now

For ques­tions or con­cerns con­tact: recoveryresources@​kennethyoung.​org or call 2242297456.

In light of COVID-19, all KYC SMART meet­ings are avail­able on Zoom video con­fer­enc­ing. Click here to learn more.

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5.7 million
Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

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