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Tica and Volunteers

Staff Reflec­tions: Cel­e­brat­ing Our Volunteers

KYC Staff Reflections

Ear­li­er in April, KYC cel­e­brat­ed our incred­i­ble vol­un­teers with a piz­za din­ner. One KYC staff mem­ber, Tica, put her thoughts to paper as she reflect­ed on the inspi­ra­tional work they do each day.

Cel­e­brat­ing Our Volunteers

By: Tica King, KYC Adult Recov­ery Coun­selor

Bring­ing food to the hun­gry is a noble cause that saves lives. It’s what our meals on wheels vol­un­teers do almost every day. 

Ken­neth Young Cen­ter cel­e­brat­ed our vol­un­teers with an enjoy­able piz­za par­ty just a week and a half ago. Our CEO, Grace, per­son­al­ly wel­comed and thanked every­one touch­ing many hearts in her gra­cious way. Our ded­i­cat­ed Board mem­ber, Abdul­lah, beau­ti­ful­ly expressed his grat­i­tude for the ser­vice and sac­ri­fice of our car­ing coura­geous volunteers. 

Tica, who over­came schiz­o­phre­nia while work­ing at Ken­neth Young Cen­ter as a Peer Coun­selor, intro­duced two won­der­ful vol­un­teers who work in the PSR recov­ery pro­gram. The first was Judy the Great, our Art Vol­un­teer, who spoke of the mir­a­cles she has wit­nessed when clients dis­cov­er the artist with­in. Mag­i­cal Mag­da teach­es our clients gen­tle exer­cise move­ments inspir­ing them to action, which is a key ele­ment in heal­ing the mind. Delight­ful Don­na spoke of the joy she finds in help­ing oth­ers in doing admin­is­tra­tive work at KYC

We thank Colette, our Vol­un­teer Coor­di­na­tor, for her hard work in prepar­ing this event. If you aren’t already a vol­un­teer, join us in mak­ing our orga­ni­za­tion and clients full of won­der­ful suc­cess sto­ries. You do make a big dif­fer­ence in our lives.

Learn More about Volunteering

Inter­est­ed in vol­un­teer­ing with KYC? Con­tact Colette, Vol­un­teer Coor­di­na­tor, or check out our Vol­un­teer page.

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