Thank You for Hustling with KYC
Feeling GOLD!

The 23rd Annual Hustle for Health 5K Run/Walk was an Olympic party like no other! We were grateful to celebrate our annual fundraiser and signature event that honors the scope of Kenneth Young Center’s (KYC) services on June 22, 2024. Despite it being too hot to hustle outside, over 230 participants joined in the fun, either in person at our Elk Grove Village office or virtually. We couldn’t be happier with how our community came together!
Stroll for the Goal!
Through your kindness, we raised a total of $90,330 for KYC’s life-changing and life-saving programs! To everyone who supported the Hustle for Health, thank you. Whether you fundraised or helped to spread the word about KYC and this event, thank you for helping us stroll for our goal. We firmly believe in our vision, that Together We Thrive. With you, we are building stronger, healthier communities. Thank you for helping our community members thrive.
Thank You, Volunteers!
We couldn’t hold this event without the incredible volunteers who bring it to life. Thank you to our 5K Planning Committee, our Development Committee, and our Board Members for the dedication and caring that you share with KYC through this event. From selecting a theme for the event to bringing us the many tasty treats we share with event goers, we couldn’t host such a welcoming and joyful event without their efforts.
We are also grateful to the many day-of volunteers who kept this event running smoothly. From setup to cleanup and everything in between, our volunteers truly deserve a round of applause and have our greatest appreciation. Thank you!
Interested in volunteering next year’s Hustle for Health or other KYC events? Contact our Volunteer Manager today to learn about our Committees and other volunteer opportunities!
Event Photos

Relive the celebration! Check out our full event albums below. (Have photos you’d like to share? Send them to our team!)
Photos by Alex Lapitskiy
We are grateful to Alex Lapitskiy for volunteering and catching some wonderful moments at our 5K! You can find more of Alex’s work at:
- Instagram: @paruphoto2023
Photos by Leslie Beck
Thank you, Leslie, for capturing these Hustle for Health moments while also ensuring the event went smoothly as one of our dedicated 5K Planning Committee Members!
Thank You, Sponsors!
Thank you to our incredible sponsors who supported this event. We’re grateful for your partnership!
Presenting Sponsor

Finding Solutions Sponsors

Doing Better Sponsors

Feeling Good Sponsors

Wellness Sponsors

Trail Sponsors

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