Youth Programs
Kenneth Young Center promotes healthy choices for youth ages 11 – 18 and young adults 19 – 24. We provide education, awareness, advocacy, community collaboration, and evidence-based programs that support positive youth development and build healthier communities.
We have a needs-based portfolio of projects working across the continuum of care (prevention, intervention, recovery, and harm reduction) that are overseen by community advisory groups. We operate on the principle of “nothing about us, without us.”
Learn more about our evidence-based and trauma-informed approaches to positive youth development.

School-Based Substance Use Prevention & Education
School-based Prevention and Education Services at Kenneth Young Center is a comprehensive collection of programming that provides Substance Use Prevention Education and other protective factors to youth in the service area. Programming includes:
- In-school Prevention Education
- Alcohol Communication Campaigns
- Vape Communication Campaigns
- After-School Teen REACH Program
- In-school Substance Use Diversion Program
Visit our School-Based SUPS page to learn more.

Youth Leadership and Empowerment
We believe the principles of positive youth development are a foundation to providing youth with a strong protective factor to youth substance use. The Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is an opportunity for youth to take leadership in shaping the integration of family, school, and community. The YAC’s are at the heart of “nothing about us, without us.”
Visit our Youth Advisory Council page to learn more and to find a local YAC in your area.

LGBTQ+ Center
The LGBTQ+ Center at Kenneth Young hosts programming for LGBTQ+ youth, young adults, and ally’s.
Visit our LGBTQ+ Center page to learn more.

Professional Training
We provide a variety of capacity-building and professional development opportunities for individuals, organizations, and business in the community.
Kenneth Young Center is proud to be a Regional Substance Use Prevention Integration Center for Cook County (Non-Chicago Region). We also provide training on the following topics:
- Mental Health First Aid Youth
- Mental Health First Aid Adults
- Mental Health First Aid Youth in Spanish
- QPR Training, Responding to Suicidal Ideation training
- Substance Use Prevention Education Training
- LGBTQ+ Competency & Inclusivity Training
- Overdose Education and Naloxone Training
For more information, visit the Professional Training information page.

Youth Resource Guide

The Youth Resource Guide is a comprehensive list of resources for youth that have been created and vetted by the Youth Advisory Councils (YAC). These resources have been created by youth for youth.

If you have a contribution to add to the Youth Resource Guide, please email yac@kennethyoung.org
Youth Empowerment and Substance Use Prevention programs are funded in whole or in part by funding provided to Kenneth Young Center by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) and Cook County Department of Health (CCDPH).