School-Based Substance Use Prevention And Education
Our school-based Substance Use Prevention and Education programs seek to reduce alcohol and non-medical prescription drug use rates of 8th to 12th graders in Schaumburg, Palatine, and Elk Grove Township. This is accomplished through:
- Implementing communication campaigns
- Implementing evidence-based prevention education
- Advocating for school participation in the Illinois Youth Survey
- Promoting Drug Take-Back programs
- Creating National Prevention Week activities
- Providing an afterschool program at District 59
In-School Prevention Education
We provide evidence based curriclums like Too Goo for Drugs to local middle and high schools. Too Good for Drugs is a 10 lesson program designed to increase youth’s protective factors related to substances use. Students will enhance their social emotional learning skills and takes a science approach to discussing the harms substance use can cause on the developing brain and body of adolecscents. Learn more about the program at toogoodprogram.org
Alcohol Communication Campaigns
With a goal to reduce alcohol use rates of 9th and 12th graders, the locally designed alcohol communication campaigns use social norming as a strategy to deliver substance use prevention messaging. Using primary and secondary marketing materials and collaborating with our local Youth Advisory Council a local campaign is created every year and delivered to our local high schools to provide an on-going targeted alcohol prevention campaign.
Vape Communication Campaigns
The state-designed Vaping Communication Campaigns seek to reduce youth vaping rates in 6th-8th graders. Among other evidence-based strategies, the effectiveness of the campaign is measured using information obtained from the Illinois Youth Survey (IYS).

Teen Responsibility, Education, Achievement, Caring, and Hope (REACH)
Teen REACH (Responsibility, Education, Achievement, Caring, and Hope) is a comprehensive youth development initiative that provides after-school program services to high-risk youth between the ages of 10 – 13 with at least one IDHS-designated risk factor. We have a primary goal to provide a safe environment with caring adult role models that will work with youth to increase academic achievement and develop the life skills necessary for future success.
In-school Substance Use Diversion Program
The in-school Substance Use Diversion program works with schools to provide alternative restorative practices to those who are found using substances on campus. The program includes mandatory weekly meetings to learn about coping with urges and other recovery tools. For many youth, this is their first introduction to recovery and a life free of substances.
If you are interested in learning more about this program, email recoveryresources@kennethyoung.org