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Kyc 5 K Run Walk

Last Minute Details for the 5K

As the 17th Annu­al Hus­tle for Health 5K Run/​Walk approach­es, we know you’re get­ting more and more excit­ed! We’ve got all of the details and the answers to your ques­tions to help you pre­pare for this fun and healthy way to sup­port KYC — sign up to join us today!

Who: Com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers, busi­ness­es, and KYC sup­port­ers are encour­aged to join.
What: The 17th Annu­al Hus­tle for Health 5K Run/​Walk, of course!
Where: We will kick off at Busse Woods, in the Lev­el IV area off of the south side of Hig­gins Road, just west of Arling­ton Heights Road .
When: Sat­ur­day, June 9th, rain or shine. Check in at 8 AM, and start your run or walk at 9 AM. Stay for food and activ­i­ties to fol­low!
Why: You want KYC to con­tin­ue pro­vid­ing care and ser­vices to those who need it most.

Join Us June 9th!

Call­ing All Runners!

Reg­is­ter as a run­ner online today to reserve your offi­cial bib for our chip-timed run and cre­ate your fundrais­ing page. Prizes will be giv­en to our top fin­ish­ers! After the awards, you can grab a bite to eat, meet our spon­sors, and enjoy fam­i­ly friend­ly activities.

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Wel­come, Walkers!

Cre­ate your fundrais­ing page online today and meet us at the park on June 9th! No addi­tion­al reg­is­tra­tion is nec­es­sary for those who are walk­ing. Com­plete the full 5K or walk as much as you feel com­fort­able. After­wards, join us at the pavil­ion for more fun!

Busi­ness Part­ners, Too!

KYC is offer­ing spon­sor­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties for this event. Cor­po­rate Teams are also wel­come to join. Gath­er your cowork­ers and cre­ate a team to join our run or walk!

Oth­er Ways to Participate

Look­ing to make a gen­er­al dona­tion?
If you’re look­ing to sup­port the 5K as a whole, you can click on the Donate but­ton in the menu above to make a gen­er­al donation.

Can’t join us June 9th?
Even if you can’t be with us in per­son, par­tic­i­pate as a vir­tu­al walk­er and cre­ate a fundrais­ing page for your friends and fam­i­ly to help sup­port KYC. We’ve had par­tic­i­pants walk in oth­er states or on dif­fer­ent days, but the key point is ensur­ing KYC can pro­vide com­pas­sion­ate care to our community.

Fundrais­ing FAQ

Are there any perks to start­ing a fundrais­ing page?
Your efforts will be reward­ed by help­ing those in your com­mu­ni­ty who need it most! On top of that, raise $50 or more to receive a 2018 Hus­tle for Health T‑Shirt! Raise $500 or more, and take home a KYC Prize! Get start­ed today!

I set up a fundrais­ing page, but could use some advice. Got any tips?
We’ve got your back — check out these help­ful hints for indi­vid­u­als and these tips for teams.

What is the goal?
The goal is $80K from the 5K — every gift counts! We appre­ci­ate your sup­port and all you do to help KYC ful­fill our mis­sion! You can track our live progress from the KYC 5K Home­page. Fundrais­ing con­tin­ues through June 30th!

I’m real­ly excit­ed, but I still have ques­tions. Is there some­one I should ask?
Yes! If you have any ques­tions about the Run/​Walk, the web­site, or need oth­er infor­ma­tion, please feel free to con­tact Kate Gar­barek .

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of chil­dren in the U.S. strug­gle with seri­ous chal­lenges to their emo­tion­al and men­tal health.

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