Notice of Cybersecurity Incident

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COVID-19 Pro­to­col for Clients Com­ing to the Elk Grove Vil­lage Office


KYC con­tin­ues to mon­i­tor best prac­tices and med­ical updates to pro­tect the health and safe­ty of clients, staff, vol­un­teers, and com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers. In this light, KYC is updat­ing our screen­ing ques­tions to bet­ter assess clients’ safe­ty upon return­ing to in-per­son treat­ment, as out­lined by the Depart­ment on Aging. Please note: all youth, adults, and seniors enter­ing KYC’s facil­i­ties will be asked these screen­ing ques­tions, includ­ing staff. Any­one feel­ing unwell or with a tem­per­a­ture of 100.4 degrees F or high­er will be respect­ful­ly asked to return home.

Please be pre­pared to answer the fol­low­ing ques­tions, reflect­ing upon the last 14 days:
1. Have you or some­one you live with been expe­ri­enc­ing new onset of any of the following:

  • Fever of chills 
  • Mus­cle or body aches 
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Diar­rhea
  • Congestion/​runny nose 
  • Nau­sea or vomiting 
  • Short­ness of breath or dif­fi­cul­ty in breathing 
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • New loss of taste or smell

2. Have you or some­one you live with been test­ed pos­i­tive for COVID-19? (Yes/​No)

3. Have you or some­one you live with been exposed to an indi­vid­ual with a pos­i­tive COVID-19 diag­no­sis? (Yes/​No)

As before, these ques­tions will be asked by phone or text mes­sage upon your arrival to KYC. Please text or call 2244235691 from the park­ing lot to let us know that you have arrived. If you do not have a phone, you will come in, sit, and your ther­a­pist will talk to you in a pri­vate area.

All vis­i­tors and staff must wear a mask cov­er­ing their nose and mouth while inside the building.


For the health and safe­ty of our clients and staff, Ken­neth Young Cen­ter is enact­ing the fol­low­ing safe­ty pro­ce­dures as clients re-enter our Elk Grove Office location.

Please remem­ber to stay home if you are feel­ing sick. Call and resched­ule your appointment.

Be aware of COVID-19 symp­toms includ­ing fever 100.4 degrees F or high­er, cough, run­ny nose, chills, body aches, fatigue, loss of taste or smell, headache, sore throat, dif­fi­cul­ty breath­ing, or gas­troin­testi­nal problems.

If you feel well, and have an appoint­ment, here is some help­ful infor­ma­tion to pre­pare for your arrival at KYC.

Wash your hands before com­ing to an appoint­ment. If you for­get, please use san­i­tiz­er locat­ed in the lob­by area once you have been cleared to come into the building.

Upon arrival, text or call 2244235691 from the park­ing lot to let us know that you have arrived. If you do not have a phone, you will come in, sit, and your ther­a­pist will talk to you in a pri­vate area.

You will receive a text or call back, ask­ing you the fol­low­ing questions:

  1. Have you test­ed pos­i­tive for COVID-19 or believe you had it? If yes, when was this?
  2. Have you been exposed to any­one with COVID-19, includ­ing a fam­i­ly mem­ber? If yes, when was this?
  3. Have you had a recent loss of your sense of taste or smell?
  4. Have you had any cold/​flu symp­toms dur­ing the past month?

If you answer yes” to any of these ques­tions, your ther­a­pist will text you or call you. You will be either allowed in or you will have to resched­ule your appointment. 

If you are cleared to enter the build­ing, the front desk will text you or call you to let you know your ther­a­pist is ready to see you.

Wear a mask before enter­ing KYC. The mask needs to cov­er your nose and mouth.

Upon enter­ing build­ing, remem­ber to main­tain a 6‑foot dis­tance with oth­ers and at the front desk.

Check in at the front desk. Please remem­ber to stay behind the Plex­i­glas at all times. This is a safe­ty mea­sure for both clients and staff.

The front desk will take your tem­per­a­ture. If your tem­per­a­ture is 100.4 degrees F or high­er, or you have vis­i­ble symp­toms of COVID-19, you will need to leave and resched­ule your appointment.

If you do not have a tem­per­a­ture you will sign-in at the front desk. Please sign your first name only, put down the time, and check mark the no tem­per­a­ture” box, take a seat and wait to be called back for your appointment.

Wave hel­lo to your ther­a­pist, do not shake hands.

As always, if you need to use the bath­room, please remem­ber to wash your hands after using the bathroom.

If you have ques­tions, please call your therapist.

To view an eas­i­ly print­able copy of these instruc­tions, click here.

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