Notice of Cybersecurity Incident

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Make Your Ama­zon App Pur­chase Sup­port KYC!

Thank you for mak­ing your Ama­zon pur­chas­es one more way to sup­port KYC!

If you’re using a web brows­er, you can cre­ate KYC as your char­i­ty of choice by click­ing here. Once you’ve reg­is­tered, sim­ply shop Ama­zon Smile like you would Ama­zon, but now, a per­cent­age of almost every pur­chase will be sent as a dona­tion to KYC

Or, you can choose to add an exten­sion to your web brows­er, like Smilem­at­ic for Chrome that instant­ly and with­out cost will redi­rect your purchase. 

If you’re using a mobile Ama­zon app, there’s now a way to make those pur­chas­es count toward your Ama­zon fundrais­ing for KYC too! Fol­low these steps:

  1. Update your Ama­zon app to make sure it’s in the most recent version.
  2. Open Ama­zon and log-in.
  3. Go to Ama­zon’s Main Menu Amazon Menu
  4. Tap Set­tings, then Ama­zon­S­mile.
  5. Fol­low the touch screen to turn on your Ama­zon­S­mile account and select Ken­neth Young Center.

Once you’re set up, you’re done! All of your pur­chas­es will auto­mat­i­cal­ly sup­port KYC when­ev­er they’re eli­gi­ble. You’ll also see per­son­al track­ing of how much you’ve per­son­al­ly fundraised, as well as how much KYC has received from all Ama­zon­S­mile participants.

Thank you and hap­py shopping!

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