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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Lou Mal­nati’s Schaum­burg Fundrais­ing Give Back Event!

What could be bet­ter than enjoy­ing deli­cious Lou Mal­nati’s piz­za while sup­port­ing KYC?

Join us on May 7th from 11AM to 11PM at the Schaum­burg Lou Mal­nati’s on South Roselle Road to do just that! Dine in or order car­ry­out or deliv­ery all day for 20% of the pro­ceeds to come back to KYC. Feel free to spread the word to all of the piz­za fans you know!

Please note that online orders and alco­hol pur­chas­es will not qual­i­fy for this fundraiser.

Just men­tion that you’re par­tic­i­pat­ing in the KYC fundrais­er when you place your order, and check your receipt to ensure that you see the FUNDRAIS­ER line includ­ed at the bot­tom for your pur­chase to qual­i­fy. Looks like it’s Lou’s for lunch or dinner.…or lunch AND dinner.…on May 7th!


Lou Mal­nati’s Schaumburg

1 South Roselle Road
Schaumburg, IL 60193

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of us will expe­ri­ence some form of men­tal ill­ness in our lifetime

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