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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Dialec­ti­cal Behav­ioral Ther­a­py (DBT) Seminar

Men­tal Health Pro­fes­sion­als, join KYC’s Clin­i­cal Train­ing Com­mit­tee for a three-day vir­tu­al sem­i­nar on Dialec­ti­cal Behav­ior Ther­a­py (DBT).

Dr. Lane Ped­er­son will lead three days of Dialec­ti­cal Behav­ior Ther­a­py (DBT) train­ing for men­tal health pro­fes­sion­als. The entire­ty of the train­ing will be ground­ed in evi­dence-based prac­tices, a focus on clin­i­cal out­comes, and an empha­sis on ther­a­peu­tic fac­tors. Ther­a­pists who attend this train­ing will learn DBT philoso­phies, skills, and inter­ven­tions. Con­sul­ta­tion spe­cif­ic to the imple­men­ta­tion of DBT will also be pro­vid­ed dur­ing the course of the train­ing. Fol­low-up con­sul­ta­tion is avail­able on a per hour basis.

Dialec­ti­cal Behav­ior Ther­a­py (DBT) has evolved from the go-to treat­ment for bor­der­line per­son­al­i­ty dis­or­der to one of the most rec­og­nized and sought after ther­a­pies for a vari­ety of dif­fi­cult to treat client prob­lems. With an expand­ing evi­dence base, DBT skills and strate­gies are must-have for all types of therapists. 

This train­ing cov­ers DBT from the­o­ry to appli­ca­tion with up-to-date research, acces­si­ble teach­ing, video exam­ples, and expe­ri­en­tial exer­cis­es that empha­size evi­dence-based prac­tices and ther­a­peu­tic fac­tors. Ther­a­pists of all lev­els will learn DBT essen­tials to inte­grate into their own prac­tice, to con­fi­dent­ly prac­tice from a DBT ori­en­ta­tion, and to con­tin­ue their own per­son­al devel­op­ment as a DBT ther­a­pist. Addi­tion­al­ly, ther­a­pists will learn how to apply DBT in dif­fer­ent treat­ment set­tings with diverse populations.

Event Infor­ma­tion

19.5 (6.5 per day) CEU’s pend­ing for LCPC/LPC, LCSW/LSW, LMFT/LFT, & CADC

Dates: Sep­tem­ber 29th, Sep­tem­ber 30th, and Octo­ber 1st

Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Loca­tion: Vir­tu­al, host­ed by Ken­neth Young Cen­ter. Meet­ing infor­ma­tion will be sent to reg­is­tered participants.

RSVP: Men­tal Health Pro­fes­sion­als and KYC staff are wel­come to join. The cost to attend is TBA. KYC Staff can attend at no cost. Please con­tact TJ to RSVP or with ques­tions. Please include your licen­sure in your RSVP email for effi­cient pro­cess­ing of your CEU cred­its, as well as your pre­ferred email address to receive the Zoom link to the train­ing session.

Cost: $600 (KYC staff can attend at no cost)

Learn­ing Objectives

  1. Apply out­come-based DBT con­sis­tent with evi­dence-based practices 
  2. Con­nect DBT philoso­phies and inter­ven­tions to the ther­a­peu­tic fac­tors that most improve outcomes 
  3. Learn dialec­tic philoso­phies and their appli­ca­tion in therapy 
  4. Put the core assump­tions of DBT into action 
  5. Explain how DBT the­o­ry dri­ves interventions 
  6. Devel­op the flu­id move­ment between val­i­da­tion and change strategies 
  7. Inte­grate mind­ful­ness into ther­a­py (and your own life) 
  8. Imple­ment an effec­tive ther­a­py struc­ture that includes iden­ti­fy­ing clear treat­ment targets 
  9. Effec­tive­ly inte­grate skills train­ing into therapy 
  10. Iden­ti­fy teach­ing strate­gies for skills train­ing sessions 
  11. Effec­tive­ly teach the 4 stan­dard DBT skills modules 
  12. Learn and teach sup­ple­men­tal DBT skills 
  13. Under­stand DBT from cog­ni­tive-behav­ioral, client-cen­tered, and oth­er approaches 
  14. Prac­tice a mul­ti-lay­ered approach to validation 
  15. Bal­ance val­i­da­tion with the most effec­tive (and prac­ti­cal) meth­ods of behav­ior change 
  16. Learn and prac­tice the key dif­fer­ences between tra­di­tion­al cog­ni­tive inter­ven­tions and DBT-style cog­ni­tive interventions 
  17. Deter­mine when to use (and not to use) expo­sure techniques 
  18. Mas­ter DBT diary cards and behav­ioral (chain) analysis 
  19. Effec­tive­ly par­tic­i­pate with con­sul­ta­tive groups and treat­ment teams 
  20. Assess and man­age self-inju­ri­ous and sui­ci­dal behav­iors with clear pro­to­cols and safe­ty plans 
  21. Estab­lish a plan for your fur­ther devel­op­ment as a DBT therapist 
  22. Pro­vide prop­er informed con­sent to treat­ment and research 
  23. Iden­ti­fy and address eth­i­cal issues in the treat­ment of adolescents 
  24. Iden­ti­fy and address bound­ary and lia­bil­i­ty issues in con­sul­ta­tion and supervision 
  25. Iden­ti­fy and address eth­i­cal con­cerns relat­ed to the assess­ment and inter­ven­tion of safe­ty issues

Pro­gram Outline

Devel­op­ing the Foundation

Essen­tials of DBT

  • Explic­it focus on validation 
  • Cog­ni­tive-behav­ioral change strategies 
  • Dialec­ti­cal balance 
  • Skills train­ing
  • Mind­ful­ness
  • Con­sul­ta­tive Approach 

DBT and the Con­tex­tu­al Model

  • Under­stand­ing how ther­a­py works 
  • Six decades of empir­i­cal research 
  • Evi­dence-based practice 
  • Max­i­miz­ing ther­a­peu­tic fac­tors, DBT-style 

Dialec­tics in Practice

  1. Dialec­tics explained 
  2. Dialec­tic assumptions 
  3. Dialec­tics in action 

Core Assump­tions of DBT

  • Accep­tance and non­judg­men­tal stance 
  • View of clients, ther­a­pists, and therapy 
  • What’s need­ed in a DBT clin­i­cal process 

Bioso­cial Mod­el

  • Bioso­cial the­o­ry of difficulties 
  • How the­o­ry dri­ves therapy 

Mind­ful­ness and DBT

  • Mind­ful­ness explained 
  • Mind­ful­ness of the approach 
  • Mind­ful­ness as a ther­a­py technique 
  • Mind­ful­ness in life 

Get­ting Start­ed: Struc­tur­ing Therapy

  • Struc­ture as a ther­a­peu­tic factor 
  • Struc­tur­ing the ther­a­py environment 
  • Iden­ti­fy­ing treat­ment tar­gets: sui­ci­dal­i­ty, self-inju­ri­ous behav­ior (SIB), ther­a­py-inter­fer­ing behav­ior (TIB), and oth­er targets 

Mak­ing It Prac­ti­cal: How Will Your Ther­a­py or Pro­gram Be Structured?

Skills Train­ing

  • Inte­grat­ing Skills into Therapy 
  • Using skills to devel­op new behaviors 

Mind­ful­ness: The Path to Wise Mind

  • What Skills: Observe, Describe, Participate 
  • How Skills: Non­judg­men­tal, One-mind­ful, Effectively 
  • Mind­ful­ness Prac­tice and Application 

Teach­ing Dialectics

  • Iden­ti­fy dialec­ti­cal dilemmas 
  • Acti­vate Wise Mind action 

Dis­tress Tolerance

  • Wise Mind ACCEPTS 
  • IMPROVE the Moment 
  • Pros and Cons 
  • Rad­i­cal Acceptance/​Turning the Mind 

Emo­tion Regulation

  • Mod­el of Emotions 
  • Build Pos­i­tive Experiences 
  • Oppo­site Action 

Inter­per­son­al Effectiveness

  • FAST skills
  • GIVE skills
  • DEAR MAN skills 

Sup­ple­men­tal DBT Skills and Modules

DBT Ther­a­py


  • Mul­ti-lay­ered approach to validation 
  • Val­i­da­tion as an expo­sure technique 
  • Bal­ance of val­i­da­tion and change 

Change Inter­ven­tions

  • Behav­ioral principals 
  • Con­tin­gency procedures 
  • Best behav­ior change methods 
  • DBT-style cog­ni­tive interventions 

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Styles

  • Rec­i­p­ro­cal
  • Irrev­er­ent

Diary Cards: Stan­dard and Adapted

Behav­ior Chain (Change) Analysis

  • Get­ting the client on board 
  • Build aware­ness and options 

Con­sul­ta­tive Group and Treat­ment Teams

  • Increase your motivation 
  • Devel­op effec­tive responses 
  • Qual­i­ties of effec­tive treat­ment teams 

Next Steps

  • What you learned and what you need 
  • Devel­op­ing your plan 
  • Tak­ing action

About the Speaker

Dr. Ped­er­son has pro­vid­ed DBT train­ing and con­sul­ta­tion to over 20,000 pro­fes­sion­als in the Unit­ed States, Aus­tralia, South Africa, Cana­da, Mex­i­co, and the Mid­dle East through his train­ing and con­sul­ta­tion com­pa­ny, Lane Ped­er­son and Asso­ciates, LLC (www​.DrLane​Ped​er​son​.com). Notable orga­ni­za­tions he has trained for include Wal­ter Reed Nation­al Mil­i­tary Hos­pi­tal, the Fed­er­al Bureau of Pris­ons, the US Navy, the Cana­di­an Depart­ment of Defense, the Ontario Psy­cho­log­i­cal Asso­ci­a­tion, and Psy­chother­a­py Net­work­er. He has pro­vid­ed DBT train­ing for com­mu­ni­ty men­tal health agen­cies, chem­i­cal depen­den­cy treat­ment cen­ters, hos­pi­tal and res­i­den­tial care set­tings, and to ther­a­pists in foren­sic settings. 

Dr. Pederson’s DBT pub­li­ca­tions include the award-win­ning The Expand­ed Dialec­ti­cal Behav­ior Ther­a­py Skills Train­ing Man­u­al, Sec­ond Edi­tion (PESI, 2019); Dialec­ti­cal Behav­ior Ther­a­py: A Con­tem­po­rary Guide for Prac­ti­tion­ers (Wiley, 2015); and Dialec­ti­cal Behav­ior Ther­a­py Skills Train­ing in Inte­grat­ed Dual Dis­or­der Treat­ment Set­tings (PESI, 2013). He is also the author of the best-sell­ing DBT Deck for Ther­a­pists and Clients. 

A real world prac­ti­tion­er, Dr. Ped­er­son co-owns Men­tal Health Sys­tems, PC (MHS), one of the largest DBT-spe­cial­ized prac­tices in the Unit­ed States with four clin­ic loca­tions in Min­neso­ta (www​.mhs​-dbt​.com). At MHS Dr. Ped­er­son has devel­oped DBT pro­grams for ado­les­cents, adults, peo­ple with dual dis­or­ders, and peo­ple with devel­op­men­tal dis­abil­i­ties. He has served as clin­i­cal and train­ing direc­tors, has direct­ed prac­tice-based clin­i­cal out­come stud­ies, and has over­seen the care of thou­sands of clients in need of inten­sive out­pa­tient services. 

Dr. Ped­er­son cur­rent­ly serves on the advi­so­ry board for the doc­to­r­i­al coun­sel­ing pro­gram at Saint Mary’s Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta and is a peer review­er for Foren­sic Schol­ars Today.

Click here to view the flyer.

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of us will expe­ri­ence some form of men­tal ill­ness in our lifetime

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