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KYC’s Pro­gram Train­ing Com­mit­tee: Pro­vid­ing Learn­ing Oppor­tu­ni­ties for Men­tal Health Professionals

As the needs of our com­mu­ni­ties con­tin­ue to evolve, KYC pri­or­i­tizes ongo­ing edu­ca­tion and train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for our team. Our Pro­gram Train­ing Com­mit­tee helps our team gain under­stand­ing of diverse method­olo­gies, new research, and thought­ful con­sid­er­a­tions that can help our clients achieve their goals.

About the Pro­gram Train­ing Committee

KYC’s staff-led Pro­gram Train­ing Com­mit­tee selects many of the clin­i­cal train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties that KYC makes avail­able to staff through­out the year. Team mem­bers from across our pro­gram areas meet month­ly to coor­di­nate train­ing events. They also offer an annu­al sur­vey of pro­gram staff to gauge inter­est areas for fur­ther edu­ca­tion, using these iden­ti­fied top­ics for train­ings planned the fol­low­ing year. Their goal is to pro­vide rel­e­vant and inter­est­ing con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties for the team to expand their knowl­edge and help KYC bet­ter serve our com­mu­ni­ties. Addi­tion­al­ly, the Com­mit­tee pro­vides an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty for team mem­bers to con­nect with one anoth­er and build strong inter­per­son­al rela­tion­ships across teams and take lead­er­ship roles in the agency’s train­ing initiatives.

Train­ing Opportunities

After a top­ic is cho­sen, the Com­mit­tee iden­ti­fies knowl­edge­able speak­ers with exper­tise on the sub­ject to facil­i­tate the train­ing. The Com­mit­tee also part­ners with both CHBA (Com­mu­ni­ty Behav­ioral Health­care Asso­ci­a­tion) and IAO­DAP­CA (Illi­nois Alco­hol and Oth­er Drug Abuse Pro­fes­sion­al Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Asso­ci­a­tion) to cer­ti­fy that the train­ing events are qual­i­fied as Con­tin­u­ing Edu­ca­tion Units (CEUs), sup­port­ing ther­a­pists, clin­i­cians, and social work­ers in main­tain­ing their licen­sures. These train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties are offered at no cost to KYC team mem­bers, cre­at­ing free and con­ve­nient oppor­tu­ni­ties to earn licen­sure cred­it while direct­ly sup­port­ing clients. Train­ing events are fre­quent­ly avail­able for exter­nal providers to attend as well, and cre­ate a nat­ur­al oppor­tu­ni­ty to build rela­tion­ships with exter­nal agen­cies and com­mu­ni­ty resources. 

Recent top­ics of train­ing events include Com­pas­sion Fatigue: The Cost of Car­ing”, which addressed the per­son­al stress that care providers can take on as they treat clients who are fac­ing com­plex chal­lenges, and Focus­ing on Emo­tions: Trans­di­ag­nos­tic Approach to Treat­ing Com­plex Eat­ing Dis­or­ders”, a work­shop that high­light­ed ways to iden­ti­fy under­ly­ing eat­ing dis­or­ders that present as oth­er diag­noses. As addi­tion­al train­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties are con­firmed, infor­ma­tion for how men­tal health pro­fes­sion­als can attend will be avail­able on our Events page.

Empow­er­ing Team Mem­bers and Encour­ag­ing Pro­fes­sion­al Growth

KYC’s employ­ee com­mit­tees like this one allow our team mem­bers to grow and build last­ing con­nec­tions out­side of their reg­u­lar job duties. We’re proud to sup­port our team mem­bers who take these steps to pro­vide oppor­tu­ni­ties for them­selves, our teams, and oth­er men­tal health pro­fes­sion­als to bet­ter serve our com­mu­ni­ties together.

KYC team mem­bers who are inter­est­ed in join­ing the Pro­gram Train­ing Com­mit­tee can click here to connect.

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As part of our year-long 50th anniversary celebrations, we're honored to highlight this employee committee for their work in supporting our clients and communities through their efforts to bring professional training opportunities to mental health professionals. #KYC50For50

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of chil­dren in the U.S. strug­gle with seri­ous chal­lenges to their emo­tion­al and men­tal health.

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