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Saturday, May 6, 2017

5k Run/​Walk Hus­tle for Health’

Thank you for mak­ing the 2017 Run/​Walk a resound­ing success!

More than 350 peo­ple gath­ered with us on May 6th as we raised over $60,000 to sup­port Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s pro­grams and services.

  • We believe that as one per­son comes through the dark tun­nel of depres­sion and into the light, the world is changed.
  • We think that when one child’s fam­i­ly learns bet­ter ways to care for each oth­er, the world becomes a health­i­er place. 
  • When one more per­son is accept­ed for what he is, not in terms of his men­tal ill­ness, we’re all changed for the better. 

To learn more about our spe­cial events or how you can become a mem­ber of our 5K Run/​Walk com­mit­tee, con­tact Fran Geraci, our Cor­po­rate Rela­tions and Events Spe­cial­ist at 847.524.8800 x. 103 or frang@​kennethyoung.​org. 

Thank You 2017 Sponsors

You're Not Alone

of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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