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World Men­tal Health Day 2018

World Men­tal Health Day began in 1992 as a way to bring aware­ness to men­tal health issues and advo­cate for men­tal health edu­ca­tion around the world. The World Fed­er­a­tion for Men­tal health (WFMH) cham­pi­oned the day as an annu­al ini­tia­tive to bring inter­na­tion­al atten­tion to men­tal health. This year, The WFMH has cho­sen Young Peo­ple and Men­tal Health in a Chang­ing World” as the theme for World Men­tal Health Day.

The WFMH hopes to pro­vide a spe­cial focus on the chang­ing social, envi­ron­men­tal, and glob­al fac­tors that can great­ly impact the men­tal health of young peo­ple, ages 14 to 28. This is a range of ages that often includes many life events and can also present sig­nif­i­cant stres­sors that may impact men­tal health for years to come. Accord­ing to the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion, half of all men­tal ill­ness begins by age 14, remind­ing us the men­tal health is impor­tant to address at every age. 

This year’s World Men­tal Health Day Cam­paign Doc­u­ment cov­ers top­ics like the effects of trau­ma, men­tal ill­ness, gen­der and sex­u­al iden­ti­ty, bul­ly­ing, and sui­cide. These are all crit­i­cal issues that many young peo­ple face across the globe. While oth­er gen­er­a­tions have also dealt with these fac­tors, today’s glob­al envi­ron­ment can present unique chal­lenges that must be con­sid­ered. Know­ing how to approach these sub­jects with respect and bring­ing aware­ness to the need for sup­port­ive resources can help ensure that young peo­ple today will be bet­ter equipped to face chal­lenges in a healthy way.

KYC is proud to pro­vide com­pas­sion­ate care to our com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers of all ages who face men­tal health chal­lenges, and encour­ages any­one with ques­tions or seek­ing help to call 8475248800.

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