Volunteer Spotlight: Mary Phelan
By: Tica King, Adult Recovery Counselor
Let’s celebrate spring! Let us also celebrate Mary Phelan! She is not only an extraordinary volunteer, she is a generous donor and a true recovery success story. Mary has created hundreds of beautiful handcrafted cards over the past 15 years. She has sold them after All Staff Meetings, at craft fairs, and in the Kenneth Young Center lobby. Her Easter collection was lovely. All the money from the card sales has been donated to KYC.
Yes, Mary inspires people. She has heroically faced and overcome many difficult challenges, and we staff and clients admire her greatly. She lovingly teaches other clients hot to make cards and develop work skills. People love spending time with her because she is so down to earth, understanding, and funny. She is a powerful example of courage and humility because she never seeks recognition, wealth, or prestige.
We honored Mary Phelan at our April All Staff Meeting and gave her tokens of our deep appreciation for her contributions to Kenneth Young center.
Thank you, Mary!
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