Notice of Cybersecurity Incident

Adopt A Family Image

Thank you for your sup­port of KYC’s Adopt a Family!

This win­ter more than 450 clients and fam­i­lies were adopt­ed for the hol­i­days by mem­bers of our com­mu­ni­ty. Our sin­cer­est thanks to our friends who gave so gen­er­ous­ly to ensure the sea­son was warm and bright:

Abdul­lah Amin and Megan Schaubel
Wayne and Lisa Ander­son
Asbury Courts
Jen­nifer Bin­ish
Brook Elec­tri­cal
Susan Gor­don Fam­i­ly
Home Instead
KYC Staff
The Kosciuk Fam­i­ly
Melani John­son
The Don­na McGuire Fam­i­ly
The Mix Fam­i­ly
Plat­ing Inter­na­tion­al
Kyle and Rachel Ret­tberg
RDI Group
Saint Mar­celline Parish
Saint Via­tor Girls’ Soft­ball
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of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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