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National Non Profit Day Banner

Hap­py Nation­al Non-Prof­it Day!

August 17th is Nation­al Non-Prof­it Day, which com­mem­o­rates all the ways non-prof­its make an impact. We’re cel­e­brat­ing ear­ly, because we can’t wait to express our grat­i­tude for the many ways our com­mu­ni­ty makes a dif­fer­ence through KYC. THANK YOU to our sup­port­ers, donors, staff, and vol­un­teers for striv­ing to achieve our vision that Togeth­er We Thrive. From com­mu­ni­ty behav­ioral health sup­port, old­er adult ser­vices, to com­mu­ni­ty health pro­grams, KYC is grate­ful for all you do to ensure com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers have access to safe and equi­table care year round.

How You Make an Impact

There are many ways you can sup­port KYC in hon­or of Nation­al Non-Prof­it Day and through­out the year. You make this work successful!

Ensure Healthy Futures for Our Com­mu­ni­ty With a Gen­er­al Donation


Each year, more than 15,000 indi­vid­u­als turn to KYC for help. From youth in cri­sis to seniors at risk of mal­nu­tri­tion, KYC’s teams respond with com­pas­sion and care to ensure our com­mu­ni­ty’s safe­ty and well­be­ing. But the truth is, we can’t do this work alone.

Every dol­lar donat­ed to KYC goes direct­ly to ensur­ing our abil­i­ty to respond when peo­ple need us most and YOU decide what work is most mean­ing­ful to you by des­ig­nat­ing your gift. Whether you’re called to invest in youth work­ing toward healthy futures, men­tal health pro­grams, assis­tance to seniors, or any of our 35 pro­grams, your dona­tion changes lives and saves lives at KYC — and we could­n’t be more grate­ful. Thank you.

Make a gift today.

Sup­port Our Youth with School Supplies


Help the youth and fam­i­lies we serve by ensur­ing stu­dents are set to achieve their aca­d­e­m­ic goals! Your gift of sup­plies like note­books, pens, pen­cils, fold­ers, cal­cu­la­tors, art sup­plies, and back­packs help stu­dents pre­pare for a pos­i­tive school year ahead. Bring or ship gift­ed items to our Elk Grove Vil­lage office locat­ed at 1001 Rohlwing Road, Elk Grove Vil­lage, IL 60007. Check out our Ama­zon Wish List to shop sup­plies or con­tact our team with any questions.

Vol­un­teer with Us!


We are always look­ing for incred­i­ble vol­un­teers! If you want to help grow KYC’s out­reach, plan engag­ing events, or have a knack for build­ing strong rela­tion­ships, we need your help! KYC has mul­ti­ple spe­cial event com­mit­tees and out­reach groups that are the key to grow­ing aware­ness and engage­ment among the com­mu­ni­ty. Email our team to learn more today!

Make an instant impact in the lives of old­er adults in our com­mu­ni­ties by becom­ing a Home Deliv­ered Meals deliv­ery dri­ver. Just a lit­tle more than an hour of your time each week changes lives. By bring­ing nutri­tious meals that meet per­son­al­ized dietary needs to home­bound seniors, you pro­vide a life­line and a path to greater inde­pen­dence to Meals recip­i­ents. To learn more about how you can change lives, mes­sage our team now.

Look­ing to be a vir­tu­al vol­un­teer? Our new Friend­ly Caller Pro­gram allows you to make an impact from the com­fort of your home around your own sched­ule. Back­ground-checked vol­un­teers call clients to pro­vide com­pan­ion­ship and vir­tu­al check-ins to ensure their health and safe­ty. As our newest vol­un­teer pro­gram, we’re excit­ed to launch this pilot pro­gram for our vol­un­teers and clients to engage each week. To join our pilot, email us for more infor­ma­tion.

Find more ways you can vol­un­teer with KYC here.

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of chil­dren in the U.S. strug­gle with seri­ous chal­lenges to their emo­tion­al and men­tal health.

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