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KYC is Re-accred­it­ed by The Joint Commission

Ken­neth Young Cen­ter is proud to announce its 2019 re-accred­i­ta­tion by The Joint Com­mis­sion for anoth­er three years! The Joint Com­mis­sion is well-known as the most strin­gent pro­fes­sion­al health­care accred­i­ta­tion body, sur­vey­ing near­ly 21,000 hos­pi­tal net­works and med­ical facil­i­ties nationwide.

The Joint Com­mis­sion is an inde­pen­dent not-for-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that accred­its and cer­ti­fies health care orga­ni­za­tions and pro­grams. They are the old­est and largest stan­dards-set­ting and accred­it­ing body in health­care in the Unit­ed States. Their require­ments and stan­dards are devel­oped along­side behav­ioral health care experts, providers, mea­sure­ment experts, and clients.

In Decem­ber, The Joint Com­mis­sion con­duct­ed a metic­u­lous onsite eval­u­a­tion of Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s com­pli­ance for stan­dards of care, treat­ment, ser­vices, and safe­ty in behav­ioral health. Their accred­i­ta­tion means that KYC’s behav­ioral health team meets or exceeds those rig­or­ous standards.

KYC staff mem­bers work dili­gent­ly every day to ensure that our clients receive the com­pas­sion­ate and qual­i­ty care that they deserve, and are hon­ored that those efforts are once again rec­og­nized by the pres­ti­gious Joint Commission. 

To learn more about The Joint Com­mis­sion, please vis­it their web­site here.

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