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Cor­po­rate Vol­un­teers Serve KYC!

In the past few weeks, Ken­neth Young Center’s Elk Grove Vil­lage offices have been graced with the help­ing hands of the fol­low­ing Com­pa­ny Vol­un­teer Groups:

Col­lec­tive­ly, they washed win­dows, cleaned blinds, dust­ed, spruced, sand­ed, paint­ed, hung shelv­ing units, tilled soil, plant­ed veg­e­ta­tion and shrubs, mulched, and stained bench­es. They braved hot sum­mer days to sup­port KYC and ensure our clients received ser­vices in a build­ing that respect­ed and hon­ored the work being done inside it. Thank you for light­en­ing our load and for mak­ing our facil­i­ty a wel­come place! We are tru­ly grateful.

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