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Thankful To Be Doing Better

Client Spot­light: Thank­ful to be Doing Better

Adult Man

Jim feels thankful to have found the right support, and wants others to know that KYC is here for them, too.

Jim has spent his career help­ing oth­ers lead health­i­er lives. Today, he is grate­ful for how KYC has helped him do bet­ter at nur­tur­ing his own emo­tion­al health.

Jim has faced true chal­lenges in his rela­tion­ships with fam­i­ly that have caused emo­tion­al pain. He also lives with a con­di­tion that caus­es chron­ic phys­i­cal pain and fatigue. After years of work­ing in health­care, his wors­en­ing phys­i­cal health made it impos­si­ble for him to keep his job as a care provider in a retire­ment com­mu­ni­ty, and he had to give up a job that he loved. After years of car­ing for oth­ers, he knew it was time to care for him­self, and he reached out for help. 

With­out pri­vate insur­ance, Jim had a tough time find­ing the right fit for his emo­tion­al and men­tal care. He recalls trav­el­ling long dis­tances to vis­it men­tal health agen­cies, only to find that they could not accept his health care cov­er­age. Oth­er orga­ni­za­tions that could accept his cov­er­age did not pro­vide the lev­el of care he expected. 

Then Jim found KYC

At KYC, he sees a ther­a­pist that he feels is tru­ly com­mit­ted to him. He receives indi­vid­ual coun­sel­ing and also attends a group that has taught him dif­fer­ent tools, exer­cis­es, and strate­gies to form healthy rela­tion­ships. He found a sup­port sys­tem not only from his ther­a­pist, but also among the oth­er peo­ple who attend the group meetings. 

From the time he walks in the front door of KYC’s office, he feels that the entire staff cares about him. 

Jim feels thank­ful to have found the right sup­port, and wants oth­ers to know that KYC is here for them, too. He is doing bet­ter emo­tion­al­ly, and has regained the con­fi­dence he need­ed to try to re-enter the work force. He hopes to once again help oth­ers in need. 

Like Jim, many of our clients do not have pri­vate insur­ance. KYC is proud to be an orga­ni­za­tion that can pro­vide cru­cial ser­vices and pro­grams to peo­ple with a vari­ety of health care cov­er­age networks. 

Your gifts can help to ensure that KYC can con­tin­ue to pro­vide qual­i­ty care and inno­v­a­tive pro­grams to oth­ers in our com­mu­ni­ties so that they can do bet­ter, too.

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of us will expe­ri­ence some form of men­tal ill­ness in our lifetime

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