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2023 Subaru Share the Love Event Blog Banner Made by KYC

2023 Sub­aru Share the Love Event

Get a great vehi­cle and sup­port a great cause. With every new Sub­aru pur­chased or leased, Sub­aru and its retail­ers are donat­ing a min­i­mum of $300 to char­i­ty, like Meals on Wheels, from Novem­ber 16 through Jan­u­ary 2. Since the Sub­aru Share the Love Event began in 2008, Sub­aru and its retail­ers have donat­ed more than 4.3 mil­lion meals and friend­ly vis­its to seniors served by local Meals on Wheels pro­grams nationwide. 

For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.Meal​sOn​Wheel​sAmer​i​ca​.org/​S​h​a​r​e​T​h​eLove

Ken­neth Young Cen­ter is hon­ored to be a recip­i­ent of the funds raised through this Event to pro­vide nutri­tious meals to local seniors in part­ner­ship with Sub­aru and Meals on Wheels.

Click here to view the flyer.

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