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2018 Adopt a Fam­i­ly Drive

Each hol­i­day sea­son, KYC orga­nizes an Adopt a Fam­i­ly dri­ve to pro­vide our clients with the high­est needs with extra sup­port and hol­i­day cheer.

How You Can Get Involved

Shop our Ama­zon Wish List

Look­ing for a con­ve­nient way to sup­port the Adopt a Fam­i­ly dri­ve? Shop our Ama­zon Wish List!

Shop for Adopt a Fam­i­ly gifts online, and the items will be sent direct­ly to KYC’s offices. You do not need to con­tact us first to par­tic­i­pate this way — it’s our quick­est way to give for Adopt a Family! 

Our Ama­zon Wish List also includes much need­ed items that sup­port our pro­grams and ser­vices. You can shop our Ama­zon Wish List all year long to sup­port KYC!

Become a Captain

Got a group that would like to par­tic­i­pate? Become a Cap­tain! Cap­tains are the key point peo­ple at each cor­po­ra­tion, church, fam­i­ly, or com­mu­ni­ty group who vol­un­teer to orga­nize Adopt a Fam­i­ly with their group. These vol­un­teers are respon­si­ble for recruit­ing indi­vid­u­als to adopt clients (usu­al­ly done through a dis­play). Cap­tains work direct­ly with KYC staff to pro­mote the pro­gram with their group. Cap­tains are respon­si­ble for either deliv­er­ing col­lect­ed gifts to KYC by Decem­ber 7, 2018 or work­ing with KYC staff to sched­ule a pick­up. Here’s what you’ll do as a Captain:

  • Email us to let us know you’d like to par­tic­i­pate! Con­tact us at email@​kennethyoung.​org.
  • Tell us how many gifts your group will give. 
  • Each gift totals $25 to $50. KYC will pro­vide you with as many client wish list tags as you request.
  • Make tags avail­able to your friends and cowork­ers who would like to pur­chase gifts.
  • Col­lect the gifts. Gifts are request­ed to be wrapped in gift bags.
  • Bring gifts to KYC’s Elk Grove Vil­lage Office.

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of us will expe­ri­ence some form of men­tal ill­ness in our lifetime

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