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Adopt a Client or Fam­i­ly this Hol­i­day Season

Thank you for your sup­port of Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s Adopt a Fam­i­ly Pro­gram! We are grate­ful for the incred­i­ble team at Viking Elec­tric, and all you do to build stronger, health­i­er communities.

Each year, hun­dreds of clients and fam­i­lies are nom­i­nat­ed for deeply need­ed gifts for the hol­i­days through this pro­gram – we couldn’t bring this hol­i­day cheer to our fam­i­lies with­out you. Read more about the mean­ing­ful impact your gift makes.

Your vir­tu­al gift will be used to pur­chase a gift card to send to a client along with a friend­ly hol­i­day greet­ing. Your tax deductible gift helps make the hol­i­days for a KYC client or fam­i­ly. Thank you.

You can see what our clients are wish­ing for this sea­son and choose one as your adoptee by adding your name!

Check out your vir­tu­al client wish list here!

Your vir­tu­al gift has real impact. The ther­mome­ter below shows your progress as a team toward pro­vid­ing 10 KYC clients a $30 gift card to buy what they need most. If you have con­firmed a client that you’d like to sup­port, please enter the KYC Code” in the Com­ments” field below. THANK YOU for your support!

You're Not Alone

of us will expe­ri­ence some form of men­tal ill­ness in our lifetime

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