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Spot A KYC Team­mate on the cov­er of Sports Illustrated

Penn state gregg garrity 1983 sugar bowl january 10 1983 sports illustrated cover

Do you see him?

Here are your hints…

  • One of our team­mates has the con­fi­dence to be a col­le­giate cheerleader.
  • This same team­mate is nerdy smart…like Penn State smart. (But Go Buckeyes/​Badgers!)
  • He charges intense­ly toward his goals…
  • Aaaaaaaaand he was alive in 1983…and in col­lege. (Self iden­ti­fied old man”.)

















No spoil­ers, the answer is right here!











Jonathan Mc Kay

Jonathan McK­ay, Direc­tor of New Busi­ness Development!


Here’s Jonathan now, in case you see him around the office…but of course he’ll be wear­ing a mask, so good luck! If you don’t know Jonathan, feel free to say hel­lo at jmckay@​kennethyoung.​org.

Got a fun fact about one of our team­mates? Share it! Send it to email@​kennethyoung.​org — and cheers to Jonathan for being our guinea pig good sport(y cheerleader). 

You're Not Alone

of us will expe­ri­ence some form of men­tal ill­ness in our lifetime

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