Now, More Than Ever, Our Clients Need Your Support.
You Can Save Lives.
Dear KYC Friends,
Thank you for all you do to support Kenneth Young Center! Now, more than ever, our clients need our support. Today, please consider making a special gift to help us meet the growing needs of our clients. The COVID-19 health crisis rapidly brought new and unforeseeable challenges to KYC.
As you can imagine, we have had a dramatic increase in demand for counseling services from our current clients. And, many new people in the community are reaching out for support during this difficult time.
To put it quite simply, your gift helps save lives. Today, it may be a suicidal teen or adult in need of our crisis intervention team’s services. Tomorrow, a homebound, isolated senior who can no longer make ends meet may be in need of a hot meal and a friendly smile.
Your support today ensures everyone has access to the compassionate services they need now, perhaps more than ever. Thank you for considering a gift today. Please know we are thinking of you and your family during these unprecedented times. If you know of anyone who might need our services, please reach out to us for help.
Gratefully yours,

Grace Hong Duffin
President and Chief Executive Officer
P.S. If you have already made a gift, thank you!