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Adopt a Family Logo 2022

Adopt an Indi­vid­ual or Fam­i­ly this Hol­i­day Season

Thank you for your sup­port of Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s Adopt A Fam­i­ly Pro­gram! We are grate­ful for the incred­i­ble team at Omron, and all you do to build stronger, health­i­er communities.

Each year, hun­dreds of clients and fam­i­lies are nom­i­nat­ed for deeply need­ed gifts for the hol­i­days through this pro­gram – we couldn’t bring this hol­i­day cheer to our fam­i­lies with­out you.

Three Ways to Participate

There are many ways that you can make the hol­i­days brighter. Start by select­ing a gift tag from the Hol­i­day Tree on the 2nd floor of the Hoff­man Estates cor­po­rate office (out­side of the exec­u­tive con­fer­ence room) or select a per­son from the sign up sheet here. Whether you take a tag from the Hoff­man Estates office or select a vir­tu­al gift tag, please add your name to the Adopt­ed By” field so that oth­er team mem­bers know which wish lists are claimed and which are avail­able. You may choose to shop for your wish list in the way that works best for you. Ken­neth Young Cen­ter kind­ly requests that gifts total $30-$50 per adoptee, and that gifts be returned or shipped to the Omron Hoff­man Estates office by Decem­ber 7th.

Shop for a Phys­i­cal Gift

Omron Tree

Thank you for sharing so many wonderful physical gifts with KYC last year!

If you like to shop for the phys­i­cal gift items that your adoptee needs most, this option is for you! Whether you shop in per­son at a local store, or if you choose to shop for items online and ship them to Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s office (at 1001 Rohlwing Road, Elk Grove Vil­lage, IL 60007), you are wel­come to shop for the phys­i­cal gift items that you’d like to share with your adoptee. 

If you choose to wrap your gift, please use gift bags (no wrap­ping paper please). Gift bags are appre­ci­at­ed, though not required. Please return your gift with the KYC Code” attached to the gift so that we can ensure it gets back to the right person.

Shop the Ama­zon Wish List


If you pre­fer to online shop for gifts, you can check out this Ama­zon Wish List to find many com­mon­ly request­ed items. When you shop from this list, you will see an option to ship these gifts direct­ly to Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s office. This option makes shop­ping and return­ing much-need­ed and great­ly appre­ci­at­ed gifts a breeze. 

Upon check­out, please be sure to include a gift mes­sage or gift receipt with each item that des­ig­nates the KYC Code” of the per­son for whom you are shop­ping. This will ensure that your gift is able to be shared with the right gift recipient.

Make a Vir­tu­al Gift

Screenshot 2023 08 16 170226

A note from a virtual gift recipient from last year's Adopt A Family drive.

Your vir­tu­al gift pro­vides an oppor­tu­ni­ty for clients to pur­chase the per­son­al­ized items they need most. When you make your gift using the form below, KYC will pur­chase a gift card to send to the gift recip­i­ent on your behalf. Please include the KYC Code” for the per­son you’ve cho­sen to sup­port in the Com­ments sec­tion below, and KYC will be sure to get your gift to the right person. 

Vir­tu­al Gift Bonus: Your vir­tu­al gift can make dou­ble the impact! When you donate through the form below, check your email for an acknowl­edge­ment of your gift. You can sub­mit this email as proof of your cash dona­tion to KYC, and the Omron Foun­da­tion will gen­er­ous­ly match your gift to pro­vide addi­tion­al sup­port to the com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers KYC serves. For ques­tions about how to sub­mit your gift to be matched, please con­tact Omron’s Com­mu­ni­ty Out­reach Team. 

You're Not Alone

5.7 million
Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

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