![Got Narcan 93718cf7f63718e37c40eb8b67df43eb](/imager/uploads/141886/Got-Narcan_93718cf7f63718e37c40eb8b67df43eb_1e302160b56e384ff6c2816592404b24.png)
Naloxone Distirbution
Naloxone is a life-saving medication that reverses an opioid overdose while having little to no effect on an individual if opioids are not present in their system. It works by blocking the opioid receptor sites, reversing the toxic effects of the overdose.
KYC is proud to distribute free Naloxone to our community to help prevent overdose. To schedule a Naloxone training or to receive free Naloxone, please reach out to Recovery Support Services at recoveryresources@kennethyoung.org or 224−229−7456.