Notice of Cybersecurity Incident

Motorola Solutions

Motoro­la Solu­tions Vol­un­teers — Mak­ing A Dif­fer­ence Together

Motorola Solutions

Although many tra­di­tion­al vol­un­teer oppor­tun­ties aren’t avail­able dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, employ­ees at Motoro­la are still giv­ing back.

Teams are cre­ative­ly work­ing togeth­er to build care pack­ages for old­er adults who are iso­lat­ed in the com­mu­ni­ty, cre­at­ing tan­gi­ble evi­dence of their com­mit­ment to pro­tect­ing and sup­port­ing seniors. While social­ly dis­tanc­ing, team mem­bers are tak­ing on spe­cial­ized roles to com­plete the project: shop­ping for care items like pre-pack­aged snacks, per­son­al care items, cards with stamps and more; writ­ing mes­sages of friend­ship and jokes to bright­en clients’ days; col­or­ing inspi­ra­tional mes­sages and cre­at­ing art­work to hang on refridger­a­tors as a reminder of these yet unmet friends; and orga­niz­ers who will col­lect all of the items, cre­ate the indi­vid­ual care box­es, and deliv­er to KYC.

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These care packages were inspired by nine-year-old Katalina, who has been spending her summer making her own care packages for older adults. Katalina is pictured here with Michelle Johns, KYC's Home Delivered Meals Team Lead.

In just the last three months, KYC Old­er Adult Divi­sion has sup­port­ed 840 exist­ing clients and com­plet­ed 1,375 assesse­ments for old­er adults in need of addi­tion­al in-home sup­port. As senior cen­ters, church­es, park dis­tricts, and oth­er com­mu­ni­ty cen­ters remain closed or have moved pro­gram­ming to online plat­forms, many old­er adults have been left far more iso­lat­ed than ever before, espe­cial­ly for those with­out the resources to have per­son­al dig­i­tal devices or the expe­ri­ence how to use them.

To sup­port KYC’s Old­er Adult Ser­vices, you can make a gift below.

Our sin­cer­est thanks to the gen­er­ous donors who have sup­port­ed this intiative:

Scott Bawinkel
Jen­nifer Caputo
Jim Coff­ing
Lin­da Daw­son
Bri­an Eaton
Pam Fal­a­da
Mar­ti Franklin
Bri­an Gul­ly
The Hack­er Fam­i­ly
Melanie Jap­kows­ki
There­sa Jor­dan
Rob Kosciuk
Kath­leen Kramer
Karen Kriesant
Kristin Krus­ka
Deb­o­rah McMil­lan
Mal­go­rza­ta Mly­nars­ka
Jenifer Pichay
Kiran Puri
Celeste Rogers Bren­nan
Mike Salz­man
Paula Stod­dard
Sue Topp
Kel­ly Welsch
Mary Zalapi

This donor list is not auto­mat­ic, but will be updat­ed reg­u­lar­ly with our sin­cere gratitude.

You're Not Alone

of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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