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Home Delivered Meals Donation Page Blog Banner

Your Gift Pro­vides Meals to Local Seniors

Our Home Deliv­ered Meals pro­gram con­nects old­er adults in Elk Grove and Schaum­burg Town­ships with nutri­tious meals and friend­ly well­ness checks. This ser­vice empow­ers them to age safe­ly in place, while receiv­ing meals per­son­al­ized to their indi­vid­ual dietary needs and health goals.

Friend­ly, trained vol­un­teers deliv­er meals direct­ly to the homes of old­er adults who are unable to safe­ly obtain or pre­pare food on their own. Many of the seniors we serve receive five meals each week. Your gift of $5.71 per meal ensures that old­er adults in our com­mu­ni­ties can thrive.

Make a gift below to sup­port this pro­gram. Con­tact our Vol­un­teer Man­ag­er today if you’d like to learn more about becom­ing a vol­un­teer Home Deliv­ered Meals deliv­ery driver.

Thank you for your support!

You're Not Alone

of chil­dren in the U.S. strug­gle with seri­ous chal­lenges to their emo­tion­al and men­tal health.

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