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2024 Year End Appeal Blog Banner

Your Gift Today Changes Lives Tomorrow

Every year, thou­sands of our neigh­bors turn to KYC for life­sav­ing care. From chil­dren expe­ri­enc­ing life-threat­en­ing men­tal health crises to seniors with­out access to nutri­tious food, our team responds with com­pas­sion and care to those who need us most every day of the year.

How­ev­er, we can’t con­tin­ue this work with­out you. Your invest­ment ensures our abil­i­ty to respond to the great­est needs of our com­mu­ni­ty when­ev­er they arise.

More than 15,000 peo­ple of all ages come to KYC for care with diverse needs and life expe­ri­ences, but shar­ing a com­mon theme: a sin­cere need for help. Your gift allows our team to answer that call. So today I’m ask­ing for an invest­ment that ensures every per­son receives the dig­ni­fied care they deserve and the lev­el of sup­port we all hope the peo­ple we love will receive when they need help.

Please make your gift today. You can do so much to build a bright future and we are very grateful. 

In Your Service,

Steve Gay­dos

Inter­im Chief Exec­u­tive Officer

Thank You

You're Not Alone

1 in 4
Amer­i­can fam­i­lies have a rel­a­tive who has a men­tal illness.

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