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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Vil­lage Tav­ern Dine to Donate Event

Get lunch or din­ner (or lunch AND din­ner) from Vil­lage Tav­ern in Schaum­burg to ben­e­fit KYC

Dine in at their patio, car­ry­out, or order curb­side pick­up on Wednes­day, August 12th AND Thurs­day, August 13th for 20% of your order to come back to KYC! Be sure to show your fly­er when you place your order when you order in-per­son or men­tion the Ken­neth Young Cen­ter fundrais­er when you order by phone for it to be a part of this fundrais­er event. You may print the fly­er or dis­play it on your phone.

Enjoy their world famous chick­en fin­gers, order your very own Nachora­ma,” or choose a health­i­er fresh sal­ad. You can also catch their fish fry on Wednes­day! Order any time 11AM to 10PM to sup­port KYC and a local busi­ness as you enjoy a night off of cooking!


Vil­lage Tav­ern & Grill (Schaum­burg)

901 West Wise Road
Schaumburg, Illinois 60193

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of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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