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Halloween Spooktac Q Lar Banner 4

Friday, October 22, 2021

Hal­loween Spooktac-Q-Lar

Call­ing all gals, gays, ghouls, theys, mis­ters, and mys­ter­ies who are 21-years-old and up: we invite you to join us for an enchant­ed evening of every­thing you love about Hal­loween host­ed by your favorite (vac­ci­nat­ed) drag queen, Angel Lebare!

I’m an ally, can I come? Of course, dear straight, cis­gen­der ally — don’t wor­ry, we won’t bite! Come cel­e­brate the night with us and sup­port the LGBTQ+ Community.

Hocus Pocus View­ing Par­ty — Fea­tur­ing spe­cial per­for­mances by Angel Lebare, caramel apples, pop­corn-with-top­pings bar, and web-topped hot cocoa.

Cos­tume Con­test — Come dressed as you like: be it a 15th-cen­tu­ry gen­der-bend­ing Count­ess Drac­u­la, a dap­per 20s gen­tlethem, or your favorite thrift­ed Fall sweater. Enter in our cos­tume con­test for a chance to win $50 and more good­ies from beyond.

Tarot & Rune Read­ings by Axel Aita - Are you look­ing for answers, direc­tion, or val­i­da­tion from the uni­verse that you’re on the right path? Let queer witch heal­er Axel Aita guide you towards dis­cov­er­ing your inner-truth and end­less power.

Wicked Games — Pump­kin head toss, Fear Pong, Just Dance (Till You Drop), and more!

Trick-Or-Treat Raf­fle - Hold onto your can­dy bags as you trek around the activ­i­ties to col­lect raf­fle tick­ets and increase your chances of win­ning a bas­ket to die for.

Help Young Peo­ple Not Be Afraid to Be Who They Are - All pro­ceeds, includ­ing the cov­er charges and any pur­chas­es made will direct­ly ben­e­fit the LGBTQ+ Cen­ter and its pro­grams which sup­port queer youth across the North­west Sub­urbs of Chicago.

For your $5-$10 Cov­er, you will receive:

  • Admit­tance to the drag show and Hocus Pocus screening
  • Com­pli­men­ta­ry non-alco­holic drinks and spooky snacks
  • Two potion tick­ets for deli­cious elixirs pro­vid­ed by More Brew­ing Company
  • A Tarot or Rune read­ing by Axel Aita
  • One tick­et for the Trick-Or-Treat raffle
  • The grat­i­fi­ca­tion of know­ing that you are mak­ing a dif­fer­ence in the lives of young LGBTQ+ peo­ple by help­ing to give them free & affirm­ing support

COVID-19 Con­sid­er­a­tions: All CDC reg­u­la­tions will be fol­lowed and masks are required! COVID-19 Vac­ci­na­tion is required (or bring proof of neg­a­tive COVID-19 test results with­in 48 hours). Vac­ci­na­tion cards or proof of a neg­a­tive test with­in 48 hours must be shown at the door for admittance.


Any ques­tions that you have can be direct­ed to lgbtqcenter@​kennethyoung.​org or leave us a voice­mail at (847) 2121747. Reg­is­ter here.

Halloween Spooktac Q Lar 4
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Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

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