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Saturday, December 3, 2022

Sea­sons In Recovery


Join us as we cel­e­brate fam­i­lies and friends. 

  • Nar­can and Fen­tanyl Education
  • Guest Speakers
  • Pho­tos With Santa
  • Prizes And Gift Give-A-Ways

Recov­ery is a new way of living.

This is one event you don’t want to miss! Reg­is­ter Here!

These ser­vices are fund­ed in full or in part through a State Opi­oid Response (SOR) grant (T1081699) to the Illi­nois Depart­ment of Human Ser­vices, Divi­sion of Sub­stance Use Pre­ven­tion and Recov­ery (IDHS/SUPR) from the US Depart­ment of Health and Human Services.


Ken­neth Young Cen­ter — Algo­nquin Road Office

650 E. Algonquin Road
Schaumburg, IL 60173

Learn More about our Recov­ery Sup­port Services.

SMART Recov­ery Groups

Nalox­one Train­ing and Fen­tanyl Test Strips

HIV Test­ing

You're Not Alone

of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

Get Involved

How You Can Help

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