Thursday, October 28, 2021
“That’s What They Said!” — Understanding Pronouns & Their Importance
Our LGBTQ+ Center invites you to listen as we demystify and explore the use, evolution, and importance of respecting people’s personal pronouns. Please join us for this lively virtual presentation!
We will discuss non-binary, neo, and binary pronouns and their usage and applications. We will also cover the impact of proper pronoun usage and respecting preferred pronouns. Then we’ll have some fun with some trivia!
This is a partnership program between our LGBTQ+ Center and the Schaumburg Township District Library. To register, check out the Library’s event page here: https://www.schaumburglibrary.…
This program will take place online on Zoom. After registering, you will receive a link to the Zoom webinar at least one hour in advance of the program. If the event is full, or if you prefer, you can watch the event live streamed on SchaumburgLibrary.tv.