Notice of Cybersecurity Incident


Saturday, June 19, 2021


Ken­neth Young Cen­ter and the CPYD Coali­tion present, June­teenth Cel­e­bra­tion!” Come cel­e­brate black cul­ture with the Hanover Park community!

Dur­ing June­teenth, we cel­e­brate those who came before us as well as those who made it through slav­ery and seg­re­ga­tion. We also cel­e­brate how far we’ve come, and empow­er our­selves to con­tin­ue the work that they’ve start­ed. This June­teenth Cel­e­bra­tion is seek­ing to edu­cate the com­mu­ni­ty on June­teenth and to cel­e­brate our achieve­ments. This event seeks to be a safe and fun space to cel­e­brate black culture.

Food and drinks will be pro­vid­ed. Social dis­tanc­ing and masks are encouraged.


  • speak­ers includ­ing Tim McGowan, Michael Myers, and more,
  • poet­ry and spo­ken word,
  • bounce house,
  • music with a DJ,
  • Fathers’ Day celebration,
  • and much more!

There will also be a mini resource fair fea­tur­ing LGBTQ+ ser­vices, free rapid HIV test­ing, sub­stance use pre­ven­tion and recov­ery sup­port, and more.

This event will be social­ly dis­tanced, safe, and cost-free. We wel­come peo­ple of all ages, includ­ing: stu­dents, youth, adults, fam­i­lies, com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers, and others.

No mat­ter where you live, every­body is welcomed!

For ques­tions, con­tact Jalen at jalenj@​kennethyoung.​org


Spring­wood Mid­dle School

5540 Arlington Dr E
Hanover Park, IL 60133

You're Not Alone

5.7 million
Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

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