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Saturday, June 8, 2019

Hus­tle for Health 5K: Pre­sent­ed by AMI­TA Health


When: Sat­ur­day, June 8, 2019 — RAIN OR SHINE Reg­is­tra­tion opens 8:00am; Race starts at 9am

Where: Busse Woods Area 26 (Enter off of Arling­ton Heights Road)

Cre­ate your fundrais­ing page today! Get start­ed here.

Join us for a fam­i­ly-friend­ly fun-run and cel­e­bra­tion. In hon­or of our super­heroes — our clients, sup­port­ers, and staff — our 18th Annu­al Hus­tle for Health will be a super­hero-themed event. Whether you join us as Clark Kent in your every­day clothes or in cos­tume as Super­man, we invite you to cel­e­brate our community’s health at our 5K. Stay tuned for more information!

Earn Great Prizes!

Your fundrais­ing efforts will be reward­ed with excit­ing new KYC swag! 

Raise $50 — Receive a 2019 Hus­tle for Health 5K T‑Shirt!

Raise $500+ — Receive the 2019 Hus­tle for Health 5K T‑Shirt, a KYC Gym Bag, ANDKYC Water Bot­tle! Keep your fundrais­ing efforts strong and you’ll earn plen­ty of KYC swag!

Thank You, Sponsors!

We are extreme­ly grate­ful to our won­der­ful spon­sors and com­mu­ni­ty part­ners. You can check them out below — thank you for all that you do!

Is your busi­ness inter­est­ed in a spon­sor­ship? Click here to learn how you can sup­port KYC through the Hus­tle for Health.

Donate to the Hus­tle for Health 5K

You're Not Alone

5.7 million
Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

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