Notice of Cybersecurity Incident


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Car­ry­out for KYC

Open for car­ry­out and no-con­tact deliv­ery, Ric­car­do’s offers deli­cious and authen­tic Ital­ian cui­sine from their fam­i­ly-owned restau­rant. On April 21st and April 22nd, men­tion KYC with your order and 25% will be donat­ed back to us!

Down­load their app or call 8478917777 to place your order…but don’t for­get to tell them you’re order­ing for KYC! (For online orders, sim­ply write KYC in the com­ments box.)

To main­tain social dis­tanc­ing while pick­ing up your order, we rec­om­mend order­ing through­out the day, not just at peak lunch or din­ner hours…but every order you make gives back to KYC!

Thank you for sup­port KYC and a local com­mu­ni­ty restaurant! 


Riccardo’s Restau­rant

1170 South Roselle Road
Schaumburg, IL 60193

You're Not Alone

5.7 million
Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

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