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Scoop of Advice Halloween

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Bul­ly­ing Pre­ven­tion Conversation

Par­ents and guardians- Grab some ice cream and enjoy an inter­ac­tive webi­nar from your liv­ing room with your kids about bul­ly­ing prevention!

Spend some time togeth­er and learn more about what is con­sid­ered bul­ly­ing, types and signs, and what par­ents and youth can both do to keep every­one safe and become upstanders! We will also dis­cuss bul­ly­ing trends among youth in the LGBTQ + com­mu­ni­ty, prac­tice sce­nar­ios , and review resources.

After reg­is­ter­ing, get a 15% off coupon code and go sup­port local busi­ness, La Michoa­cana Pre­mi­um Ice Cream (mul­ti­ple loca­tions in North­west sub­urbs, IL)!

You're Not Alone

of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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