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Thursday, June 24, 2021

5K Kick­off Event and Prize Pick­up Day

Reg­is­tered 5K Par­tic­i­pants are invit­ed to join us as we kick off the Hus­tle for Health 5K Run/​Walk! We’ve got far too many mile­stones to hon­or to lim­it the cel­e­bra­tion to just one day — so whether you’re join­ing us for your 5K in-per­son or vir­tu­al­ly, we wel­come all event par­tic­i­pants to start the par­ty ear­ly on the Thurs­day before the big day at this 5K Kick­off Event.

Date: Thurs­day, June 24th
Stop by between 3PM and 7PM
Ken­neth Young Cen­ter — 1001 Rohlwing Road Elk Grove Vil­lage, IL 60007
What to Bring:
Dona­tions you’ve col­lect­ed via cash or check
COVID-19 Pre­cau­tions:
Safe­ty is our top pri­or­i­ty! Masks and social dis­tanc­ing will be required. Hand san­i­tiz­er will be avail­able, and tem­per­a­tures will be screened. This event will be held out­side, weath­er per­mit­ting. If you are not feel­ing well, please stay home and seek advice from your trust­ed health professional.

Claim Your Swag and Start the Cel­e­bra­tions Together

All reg­is­tered par­tic­i­pants are wel­come to pick up their par­tic­i­pant pack­ets and fundrais­ing prizes. (Raise $50 by the 24th, and you can claim your offi­cial Hus­tle for Health t‑shirt so you can cel­e­brate in style on the 26th!) Par­tic­i­pants are also encour­aged to drop off any dona­tions they’ve col­lect­ed. Want to start earn­ing your prizes now? Reg­is­ter today!

2021 5 K Prizes 5

Earn your limited edition KYC swag by fundraising for the Hustle for Health! Get started at

Join Us In Person

Can’t join us in per­son on the 26th? Round up your team to cel­e­brate togeth­er at this 5K Kick­off Event! We know that our in-per­son atten­dance for the Hus­tle For Health at Busse Woods is lim­it­ed*, and for many, vir­tu­al par­tic­i­pa­tion is much more con­ve­nient. If you’d like anoth­er chance to cel­e­brate with us in-per­son, we wel­come par­tic­i­pants to enjoy enter­tain­ment togeth­er at this pre-5K event!

*Please note that par­tic­i­pants must reg­is­ter as an in-per­son attendee pri­or to the event in order to attend the cel­e­bra­tion at Busse Woods.

Fuel Up for the 5K at Portillo’s!

Join us at Por­tillo’s in Schaum­burg after you stop by the 5K Kick­off event to fuel up before the 5K! Show this fly­er when you order at Por­tillo’s between 5PM and 8PM on June 24th for 20% of the pro­ceeds from your order to come back to KYC. Check out more details about this fundrais­er event here.

Hon­or the Many Mile­stones We’re Reach­ing Together

KYC 50 Logos 50 GLD BRST

We're celebrating 50 years of service all year long! The Hustle for Health and the 5K Kickoff Event celebrate this milestone, and are part of our #KYC50For50 campaign of sharing 50 stories and events in honor of our 50th anniversary.

We’re hon­ored to cel­e­brate many mile­stones that we’ve reached togeth­er, with the sup­port of our com­mu­ni­ties and our gen­er­ous partners!

  • 50 years of Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s ser­vice to our communities
  • 20 years of the Hus­tle for Health 5K Run/​Walk Event
  • $100,000 in life­time giv­ing from Stream­wood Behav­ioral Health­care Sys­tem, the Pre­sent­ing Spon­sors of the 2021 Hus­tle for Health

Reg­is­ter Today

Join the cel­e­bra­tion! Reg­is­ter for the Hus­tle for Health today to enjoy the 5K Kick­off Event and the full cel­e­bra­tion and 5K event on June 26th. Get start­ed at give​.ken​nethy​oung​.org/2021!

You're Not Alone

5.7 million
Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

Get Involved

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