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Friday, December 7, 2018

2018 Medicare Open Enroll­ment Fairs

Ken­neth Young Cen­ter will be host­ing their 5th Annu­al Medicare Open Enroll­ment Fairs. Open Enroll­ment is your once-a-year oppor­tu­ni­ty to make changes to your ben­e­fit choic­es. Sched­ule an appoint­ment with a SHIP (Senior Health Insur­ance Pro­gram) Coun­selor to review infor­ma­tion and receive assis­tance with Medicare Part D Pre­scrip­tion Drug Plans.

Open Enroll­ment is Right Around the Corner!

Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s Old­er Adults Ser­vices teams offer a wide vari­ety of sup­port­ive and pro­tec­tive pro­grams and ser­vices, includ­ing ben­e­fits coun­sel­ing for peo­ple enrolled in Medicare plans.

Ben­e­fits con­sul­ta­tions are free to Medicare ben­e­fi­cia­ries, regard­less of cur­rent client sta­tus at KYC. This year, open enroll­ment for Medicare runs from Octo­ber 15th through Decem­ber 7th. In prepa­ra­tion, KYC is now sched­ul­ing appoint­ments for our 5th Annu­al Medicare Open Enroll­ment Fair. If you or some­one you know are cur­rent­ly on a Medicare plan and would like to review your ben­e­fit options, call 8475248800 ext. 158 to sched­ule an appointment.


Dates for the Ben­e­fit Fairs include:

Tues­day, Octo­ber 16th 

Mon­day, Octo­ber 29th 

Thurs­day, Novem­ber 8th 

Tues­day, Novem­ber 27th 

Mon­day, Decem­ber 3rd 

Ben­e­fits Fairs will take place on the dates above from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. To sched­ule an appoint­ment for the Ben­e­fit Fairs, please call Diane at (847) 5248800 ext. 158

What to Expect

Enza, KYC’s Advo­ca­cy & Ben­e­fits Spe­cial­ist and Senior Health Insur­ance Pro­gram (SHIP) Coun­selor, has spent the last four years of her career at KYC help­ing old­er adult clients under­stand and opti­mize their med­ical health­care plans. Each open enroll­ment sea­son, Enza helps hun­dreds of clients make bet­ter-informed deci­sions about their plan selec­tions. In a typ­i­cal appoint­ment, she reviews a clien­t’s sit­u­a­tion, med­ica­tions, and pre­ferred phar­ma­cies to deter­mine the most cost-effec­tive and suit­able plan options for the upcom­ing year. The major­i­ty of clients she sees ulti­mate­ly move away from their exist­ing plans after iden­ti­fy­ing a more cost-effec­tive solution.

Why Review My Selections?

Enza notes that it’s best to review your cov­er­age options each year, before enrolling or re-enrolling in health­care plans. Med­ica­tions and cov­er­age details can often change year over year, so plan options should also be care­ful­ly recon­sid­ered. Med­ical cov­er­age can be com­plex and chal­leng­ing to under­stand, espe­cial­ly as many old­er adults keep jobs lat­er in life that may offer health­care plan choic­es. With Enza­’s exper­tise, health­care and sup­ple­men­tal plans can typ­i­cal­ly be reviewed in only one appoint­ment, and the cost sav­ings can be substantial.

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5.7 million
Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

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