Six (Out of Ten) Dimensions of Wellness
Wellness is a broad topic that has 10 dimensions. Here, we’ll explore 6 of them:
Physical Wellness
To be physically well, you must be active through regular exercise; maintain a balanced and nutritious diet; get adequate sleep; refrain from use of tobacco, drugs and excessive alcohol; and know when it is appropriate to seek professional medical attention.
Emotional Wellness
To achieve emotional wellness, you need to reduce your stress, manage negative emotions, and create a sense of happiness in your life. Get in touch with your own feelings. Learn to deflect the negativity of others. Enjoy alone time on occasion. Cope with life’s stressors or ask for help when they’re too much to handle. Spend more time doing pleasurable activities. Speak to a professional when you want to or need to.
Mental Wellness
Mental wellness is one of the most important components to overall wellness. The World Health Organization defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” If you find it difficult to achieve, contact KYC for help: (847) 524‑8800.
Medical Wellness
Medical, physical, emotional, and mental wellness are closely related because without one, you often have a hard time achieving the others. Visit your doctor if you experience physical symptoms indicting a medical condition.
Spiritual Wellness
A sense of purpose is important for developing a sense of balance and peace in our lives, and is very important to our psyche. To achieve spiritual well-being, you should explore religious or spiritual options, respect human life (including your own), get in tune with nature, and incorporate your personal values and beliefs into everyday actions.
Social Wellness
The social dimension encourages us to contribute to our community and environment. Spend as much social time as possible around people who support and care about you. The number of relationships is not important, it is the quality that benefits our wellness.
Remaining Four Wellnesses:
Intellectual Wellness – Occupational Wellness – Environmental Wellness – Financial Wellness
Contact Kenneth Young Center at 847.524.8800 if you need help on your journey to mental wellness!

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