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KYC Receives $4,622.33 Dona­tion from Sub­aru for Meals On Wheels!


Thank you, Sub­aru, for the con­tin­ued gen­eros­i­ty and sup­port of the home-bound seniors that we serve. KYC is hon­ored to receive $4,622.33 through the Share the Love Cam­paign’s sup­port of Meals On Wheels pro­grams across the country. 

KYC’s staff and vol­un­teers deliv­er more than 100 noon­time meals a day to seniors in Elk Grove and Schaum­burg Town­ships Mon­day through Fri­day. For our most in need clients, we also pro­vide a sec­ond meal to ensure the health and safe­ty of our recipients. 

Meal deliv­er­ies take about an hour and we’re always in need of vol­un­teers! If you’re will­ing to sup­port our pro­gram, please con­tact us at (847) 5248800.

Thank you, Sub­aru and Meals On Wheels!


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