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McAl­is­ter’s Deli Sup­ports Meals on Wheels this December

Through­out Novem­ber, McAl­is­ter is part­ner­ing with Meals on Wheel Amer­i­ca to donate no less than $100,000 to feed­ing old­er adults across the coun­try. KYC is proud to be part of this effort, as we con­tin­ue to serve hun­dreds of meals each week to old­er adults in our community. 

Espe­cial­ly as we con­tin­ue to face the impacts of COVID-19, pro­vid­ing safe meals to seniors in their homes with social­ly dis­tant well­ness checks helps to ensure all old­er adults can remain healthy and hap­py in their homes.

To par­tic­i­pate in this nation­al fundrais­er, pur­chase any of McAl­is­ter’s soups from a McAl­is­ter’s Deli near you any time in Novem­ber and order a soup! Whether in a cup or a bowl, McAl­is­ter’s will make a dona­tion to Meals on Wheels — they’ll make your dona­tion hap­pen so you can focus on your deli­cious meal to come!

Thank you, McAl­is­ter’s Deli for this oppor­tu­ni­ty to sup­port our old­er adults and home deliv­ered meals!

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