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ARS Sup­ports KYC Clients and Services

Combined Team Photo

The ARS Team took a quick photo break from two days of work with KYC's Facilities Team.

Each Sep­tem­ber, ARS Teams across the coun­try com­mit to a week of ser­vice. Each office part­ners with local non­prof­its to vol­un­teer and donate to sup­port their communities. 

This year, ARS chose to work with KYC, vol­un­teer­ing to install and donate four new Nest dig­i­tal ther­mostats, WiFi boost­ers, and HVAC work at our Elk Grove loca­tion, amount­ing to more than $8,500 of donat­ed work and mate­ri­als. (Not to men­tion thrilling the staff and clients who now have much more com­fort­able work envi­ron­ments with the new equipment!) 

But their gen­eros­i­ty did­n’t end there. ARS pur­chased dozens of items from KYC’s Ama­zon Wish List, includ­ing art sup­plies, games for ther­a­py, chil­dren’s books in Span­ish, and more, arriv­ing in two large and beau­ti­ful bas­kets. They also deliv­ered piz­za and drinks for one of our ado­les­cent ther­a­py groups, ensur­ing kids could focus on ther­a­py after a long day at school.

Thank you for being incred­i­ble part­ners, neigh­bors, and friends, ARS! We’re proud to work with you to serve our com­mu­ni­ty and so grate­ful for your generosity! 

Delivery Team 2

Smiling ARS volunteers delivered pizza and gifts for our clients and staff.

Basket 2

Games and books and more!

Basket 1

Art supplies galore!

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Amer­i­can fam­i­lies have a rel­a­tive who has a men­tal illness.

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