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A Dri­ve With a Mission

Thank you for your sup­port of our com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers through Citi’s Hol­i­day Giv­ing Tree and Ken­neth Young Cen­ter (KYC). Your gifts help the peo­ple KYC serves reach their goals. Whether you’re help­ing a client access care or pro­vid­ing the tools our pro­grams use to help clients thrive, we’re grate­ful for your kind­ness and generosity.

How to Participate

Make a Gift to Help Clients Access Care

Your mon­e­tary gift pro­vides trans­porta­tion to a client to get to and from receiv­ing care. Pub­lic trans­porta­tion is very lim­it­ed in the north­west sub­urbs and finan­cial chal­lenges can put vehi­cle own­er­ship out of reach. Your gift ensures that these fac­tors don’t pre­vent them from attend­ing a ther­a­py ses­sion, group, or pro­gram. Your dona­tion ensures that espe­cial­ly chal­leng­ing times don’t become a bar­ri­er to care when clients may need it most.

Make your gift below today to help con­nect a client to care.

Shop for Fre­quent­ly Request­ed Items for Programs

Your gift of fre­quent­ly request­ed items sup­ports our pro­grams through­out the year. Your gift may be used by groups or with indi­vid­ual clients as they prac­tice skills of dai­ly liv­ing, emo­tion man­age­ment tech­niques, or self-expres­sion. Your gift makes a last­ing impact as you help the peo­ple we serve work toward their goals. Need­ed items we need include:

  • Clean­ing supplies
  • Art sup­plies
  • Journals/​Notebooks
  • Writ­ing Utensils
  • Games
  • Cook­ware

Items are request­ed to be returned to the mail­room if you shop for phys­i­cal items.

You can also shop this Ama­zon Wish List to sup­port KYC’s pro­gram needs, and items will ship direct­ly to KYC’s office. If you send a gift through Ama­zon, please include a gift receipt with a note that your gift is from the Citi Team!

Thank You

For over six­teen years, Citi has part­nered with KYC to con­nect our com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers with the sup­port and resources that help them nav­i­gate life’s chal­lenges. Thank you for con­tin­u­ing to share hope and kind­ness for the peo­ple we serve together.

You're Not Alone

of chil­dren in the U.S. strug­gle with seri­ous chal­lenges to their emo­tion­al and men­tal health.

Get Involved

How You Can Help

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